Speaker: The Rev. Dr. Don Fielding

“Unitarian Universalist Spirituality”

“Unitarian Universalist Spirituality” Download the Morning Program HERE The Rev. Dr. Don Fielding, Guest minister “Don Fielding, who used to be a rather common fixture in our pulpit, will return on Sunday, October 22nd, with a Reflection about Spirituality: what it is, and how it might be useful in our lives.” About our guest minister: We … Continue reading “Unitarian Universalist Spirituality”


“Survival” – the Rev. Dr. Don Fielding returns to Red RiverUU to share his unique preaching style. You may download the MORNING PROGRAM or scroll down and read it below. Of his morning discourse, Don writes: It is a very scary time.  Survival is on everyone’s mind.  Will Ukraine survive?  W ill democracy survive?  Polls … Continue reading “Survival”

Why Go To Church

THE MORNING PROGRAM  https://redriveruu.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/TMP-05-30-Don-Fielding.pdf   Sneak Peek Video about Don’s Discourse: For many churchgoing has become just a habit.  We go because we always have.  But might there be a more significant reason for going to church?  It’s true we, UUs do not go to church to be “saved”, but might there still be an important … Continue reading Why Go To Church