Each year, we are tasked with creating a budget for the upcoming fiscal year and then seeking pledges to fulfill this budget. Our church is a wonderful place that provides many things to a diverse congregation. Please reflect on what makes Red River UU special for you. Why is it important to you?

–  Is it belonging to a community of like-minded people?
– Is it friendships you have developed here?
– Is it fun activities?
– Is it your own spiritual growth?
– Is it the involvement with social justice issues and events?
– Is it just a warm, caring place to renew your spirit?

You may probably think of many other things that are benefits of our church. Now, consider how much that involvement is worth to you. Everyone can contribute something. We are striving for 100% participation in pledges this year. Every pledge should reflect what can be contributed by the individual or family and that has to be judged by the pledge contributor. As you consider what you can pledge this year, consider what the church means to you and what it provides for your sense of well-being.

For this upcoming budget year 2025-2026, the Finance Team is recommending Stewardship Pledge Goal of $48,000. We feel this amount is the minimum necessary to support our expenses for the coming budget year. This campaign will run from March 1, 2025- April 12, 2025.

Please fill out your pledge amount below and press Finish once the form is complete.


2025-2026 Stewardship Campaign Pledge Form
Please enter your pledge commitment to support our 2025-2026 budget.

Enter Your Name:*

Enter the total annual amount you wish to pledge (number only, no $):*

How would you prefer to pay?
