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This Day in Unitarian Universalist History February 27

1807 – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, the most famous American poet of his time, was born in Portland, Maine. He taught modern languages at Bowdoin College and at Harvard University. His many famous poems included “The Song of Hiawatha,” “Tales of a Wayside Inn,” and “Evangeline.” He was a friend of the Transcendentalists of the Concord-Cambridge … Continue reading This Day in Unitarian Universalist History February 27

This Day in Unitarian Universalist History February 24

1566 The first disputation on the Trinity in Transylvania, originally scheduled for Torda, was opened at Gyulafehervard under the leadership of Francis Dávid and authority of Prince John Sigismund. This brought to a close a period of outbursts against the Trinity by a local clergy and congregations throughout the country. The post February 24 first … Continue reading This Day in Unitarian Universalist History February 24

This Day in Unitarian Universalist History February 21

1830 – Brooke Herford was born in Altrincham, Cheshire, England. He studied theology at Manchester College and served as a Unitarian minister in England and the United states. Herford was author of The Story of Religion in England. Harvard awarded him a D.D. degree. Read more about Brooke Herford at: – the digital library … Continue reading This Day in Unitarian Universalist History February 21

This Day in Unitarian Universalist History February 20

1855 – Joseph Hume, a member of Parliament who adopted Universalist views, died. He was the leader of the Radical Party for thirty years, taking special interest in financial oversight of both public and private enterprises. The post February 20 first appeared on Harvard Square Library. Read more at: – the digital library of … Continue reading This Day in Unitarian Universalist History February 20