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This Day in Unitarian Universalist History October 23

1850 – The first meeting of the National Women’s Rights Convention opened in Worcester, Massachusetts. Many of the organizers and supporters, such as Lucy Stone, were Unitarians. Delegates came from eleven states, including California. Read about the first meeting of the National Women’s Rights Convention in “Emerson and Women’s Rights,” part of an online exhibit … Continue reading This Day in Unitarian Universalist History October 23

This Day in Unitarian Universalist History October 22

1881 – The celebrated illustrator Newell Convers Wyeth was born. His work appeared in dozens of books, including Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island and in magazines such as Saturday Evening Post, Harpers, Scribner’s, Colliers, and The Ladies’ Home Journal. Wyeth’s historical and allegorical murals are in the Boston Public Library and the National Cathedral in … Continue reading This Day in Unitarian Universalist History October 22

This Day in Unitarian Universalist History October 20

1880 – Lydia Maria Child, an ardent Unitarian, feminist, and abolitionist, died at age 78. Born in Medford, Massachusetts, she joined the church served by her Unitarian minister brother, Convers Francis, in Watertown, Massachusetts. Child found success as a popular writer, producing a romantic historical novel and practical household manuals. She became vice president of … Continue reading This Day in Unitarian Universalist History October 20