An update regarding the technical aspects of our gathering.
A gathering to celebrate the life of Robert William Shelton will be this Saturday, October 9th @ 3 pm in the chapel at Red River Unitarian Universalist Church 515 N Burnett Ave Denison TX 75020. The gathering will also be available online at ZOOM with the following Meeting ID: 916 0298 4473. [3 pm TX time is 9 PM in Ireland and 1:30 AM in India]
Regretfully we’re experiencing a challenge with Zoom. Everyone watching will see and hear without difficulty, but those watching will NOT be able to speak and have their words heard in the chapel. This means for those wishing to offer a pun, during the pun-off or wish to offer a story, a memory, etc. about Robert will have to email their comments to no later than 10 am on Saturday morning, October 9.
We will have someone read your comments. OR, if you know how to make an audio recording on your smart phone or computer, you can email the .mp3 file (with a printed copy as well, just to be safe) to the same email address. Remember: If your file is too big and you are given a link to send, check the option to allow anyone to edit the file. Otherwise, we won’t be able to open it.
Do you enjoy puns? Come with a handful to share during the O’Henry Punslinger. Robert loved being ‘punny’.
Our community observes Covid protocols, including wearing masks.