Are you horrified by images of children detained in cages on our border? Does it bother you that our government is separating families who take great risks to seek refuge here? Did the photo of the bodies of Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez and his 23-month-old daughter, Valeria, on the cover of our morning program disturb you? And does it anger you that our current asylum policy is in violation of U.S. and International Law?
How would you like to have an opportunity to turn your anger into positive action? This opportunity embodies all 7 Unitarian Universalist principles. A group of us from Indivisible Sherman have decided we cannot be silent, we can’t just stand by and watch while human rights are being violated in our name, and we must do something. We first met last month at Grace United Methodist Church. At our meeting, we discussed our goals and decided to begin by first learning as much as possible about current immigration issues. We are particularly interested in determining how we can help at the local level, learning about available resources with which we can join forces, and seeking information from experts on how we can be most effective in being agents of change.
We are meeting again here at Red River UU, on Tuesday, October first at 6:30 – 8 pm. Please join us in this fight for human rights. As Bill Holston reminded us from our pulpit on September 22nd, Immigrant Rights are Human Rights. As individuals we may not be able to accomplish a lot, but together, “We Shall Overcome!”