Conversations & Calories – Our Answer to “Coffee Hour”

Conversations & Calories - Our Answer to "Coffee Hour"


12:15 pm - 1:00 pm

Event Type

Conversations & Calories – our answer to ‘coffee hour’

Gathering following each morning assembly is an important part of Sundays at Red River UU – Why?  Because it gives people opportunities to rekindle friendships, check in with old and new friends, and is a perfect way for newcomers to get to know the people who have been active longer.

Things start immediately after we extinguish the chalice each Sunday morning.  In order to have yummies to munch and coffee/tea/lemonade to sip, four teams of 3-4 volunteers agree to bring refreshments, set up and then clean up each week.

When we have a 5th Sunday during a month, it has been our practice to either select a local eatery and during the morning assembly take a show of hands to see how many want to go out for a Dutch-treat lunch OR on the 5th Sunday we have an All-Church Potluck lunch (in 2022: May, August, and October).  Check the UPDATE and Red River Ramblings to see which it is.


SPECIAL NOTE February 20, 2022:

It is with cheerful heart that I am announcing that we are going to start having refreshments and will need to set up teams to provide refreshments and to manage setup and cleanup for each Sunday.

Please volunteer for either 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th Sunday of each month.
We need 3-4 people per Sunday. 

Please email Marilyn Alexander at with your choice. If I get too many people for one Sunday and too few people for a different Sunday, I will be contacting you to see if we can make a change. Thank you in advance for volunteering to participate in this valuable part of our Sunday morning assemblies. Marilyn Alexander