I’m contacting all those who may wish to participate in a meeting of the membership team, which is currently scheduled for July 28 after church. I’m including several of you who have recently joined the congregation, since you may have especially good input to offer. If any of you don’t wish to participate, just let me know; no hard feelings:-). Also, if you’d like to participate but the date doesn’t work for you, let me know. I’m not sure we can find a date that works for everyone, but we can try.
The membership team doesn’t meet often, so this meeting would be a good opportunity to mention anything that doesn’t seem to be working as well as it could. But specifically I’ll be presenting a “radical” approach to membership that I learned about in a workshop at GA last month. Briefly, it would mean more requirements for joining Red River UU than we currently have, but it could have good results. I’ll be glad to have everyone’s opinion on this.
If you think of anyone who would like to attend the meeting but whom I haven’t sent this email to, please let me know
PS Remember you can “Leave a Reply” below and I’ll get it.