“Obstacles to Environmental Progress – A US Perspective” Peter C. Schulze, speaking
CIVICS 101: How America Works
Obstacles to Environmental Progress
A U.S. Perspective
Dr. Peter C. Schulze, speaking
The Environment and Politics often disagree. It’s no won-der since people disagree. However, because of Earth Day, April reminds us that we need to be the ones to save the Earth. Dr. Schulze’s new online book offers chapters we can discuss. Access those online at https://ucipress.co.uk/products/186377. Pick a chapter of your interest and he will fill you in on Monday.
Monday, April 24 from 5:45 – 7+ pm
Grand Ave. Presbyterian Church, Fellowship Hall
901 N. Grand Ave. Sherman
Parking available in back
Austin College Professor Peter Schulze published his book titled above in 2022. Come hear him discuss these obstacles in a different format from previous CIVICS 101 speakers.
All CIVICS 101 sessions will be nonpartisan to help educate us on the issues we all need to know in order to vote responsibly. Join us monthly on the fourth Monday. Voter Registrars will be on hand.