Ahhh March! Flowers are budding, chocolate is on sale, and its major holiday, St. Patrick’s Day, is just one giant party, with no gifts, green beer and minimal stress. Plus, it even turns math on March 14th, 3.14 as pi day, into a pie-eating celebration.
I nominate Marion’s blackberry cobbler for my choice of pie on March 14th. Too bad that March 14th isn’t a Sunday and when Team 3 is providing Conversation & Calories!
At Red River, we are in the throes of detailed planning for the Earth Day Festival, which is scheduled for Saturday, April 22nd. The festival includes a keynote address, workshops, children’s activities, a trash fashion show, student art show, vendors, and recycling. Amy will provide signup sheets in the foyer soon. Everyone needs to find something to do to help with this, our most public opportunity to exhibit the environmental activism of our church. I’m sure that Amy has a job ready and waiting just for you. Check with Amy and find out what it is! Carolyn created the festival’s tagline, “Red River Unitarian Universalists – The Reason Earth Day is in Texoma.”
Highlights from the board meeting:
Jim has rewritten parts of the Policy and Procedures Manual that required revision. This is a large and detailed document that governs much of what we do at Red River. I appreciate Jim taking the initiative to bring it up to date.
Red River UU joined both the Sherman and the Denison Chambers of Commerce in order to increase our exposure through advertising.
The Welcoming Congregation Committee is hosting a postcard writing event on March 11 in opposition to numerous anti-LGBTQ bills before the Texas legislature this session. Postcards will be mailed to Equality Texas, who will hand deliver them.
Also on March 11, Adrian will be hosting another clothing swap.
Amy has been selling some items from the garages and other things are being discarded.
Because two people tested positive for covid on Monday and Tuesday after being at church on Sunday, February 19, we cancelled all activities until March 1st in an abundance of caution. Unfortunately, that meant postponing the Appreciation Dinner. It has been rescheduled for March 26 following the Morning Assembly.
The nominations Committee is beginning work to fill several positions that will become open. One is for Trus-tee at large and the other is for Vice President. Two committees will also have openings. If you are interest-ed in serving on either the Nominations Committee or the Committee on Ministry, please see Jana Norris, Linda Tracy, or Jim Runnels.
The finance team will meet the first week of March to discuss the budget for the next fiscal year.
Caring for each other: The Caring Team has beautiful cards that can be sent to people who are ill or having a stressful time or have lost a loved one. Having a team with members who strive to keep tabs on the pulse of our community, our Caring Circle needs an additional person to join the team. If you are interested, please contact David or Carolyn.
Marilyn Alexander,