Spring Congregational Meeting


12:15 pm - 3:15 pm

Event Type

Official Notice of the Red River Unitarian Universalists

2024 Spring Congregational Meeting

Date:              Sunday, May19, 2024

Time:             12:45 pm

Where:          In the Chapel

                       515 North Burnett Ave

                       Denison, TX 75020

                             Via Zoom

                          Start Zoom on your device, when asked, enter Meeting ID 989 0789 7878

                     to join the meeting or join instantly


As is our custom, before the meeting we’ll have a potluck lunch.  Please bring something to share.


Specifics about congregational meetings and voting requirements can be found in our church bylaws.


You may vote online.

Click HERE to vote for the documents.

Click HERE to vote for the people.


1.     Call to Order

2.     Lighting the Chalice

3.     Opening Reading: Amy

4.     Roll Call: Don

5.     Confirm Quorum

6.     Guidelines for taking part when meeting on Zoom

7.     Approval of the Fall 2023, Congregational Meeting Minutes

8.     Annual Reports as outlined in church bylaws

o   Board of Trustees

o   Membership Committee

o   Committee on Ministry

o    Nominating Committee

o   Minister Search Team

9.     Review Current Financials

10.  Adoption of the fiscal 2024-2025 operating budget

o   Discussion and vote

11.  Elections of church leaders

o   Presentation of candidates and Vote

12.  Congregational Goals for fiscal 2023-2024

13.  Considerations on Acquiring a 2-year Contract Minister

o   Discussion and Vote

14.  Open Discussion

15.  Closing Reading – Extinguishing the Chalice: Jana

16.  Adjournment



Click this link to get the Meeting Doc’s.