The 26th Fall Congregational Meeteing


1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Event Type


Official Notice: Fall Congregational Meeting

Date:                        Sunday, October 22, 2023

Time:                       12:45PM

Where:                    In the Chapel

                                 515 North Burnett Ave

                                 Denison, Texas 75020

Via Zoom:               Start Zoom on your device and enter Meeting ID

                                 989 0789 7878


As is our custom, before the meeting we’ll have a potluck lunch.  Please bring something to share.


Specifics about congregational meetings and voting requirements can be found in our church bylaws on the website under About/Governance.


Our Meeting

Covenant:   Remember & practice the Red River UU Meeting Covenant

  • Each person may speak once on a topic until all others have been heard.
  • Be brief and focused on your comments.
  • Listen carefully to what others say and avoid making assumptions.
  • Wait to be recognized by the current acting chair.

Proxy Voting: If you are not going to attend the meeting, please fill out the proxy form and give it to someone who will be attending. The proxy form is at the end of the Meeting Docs. There will also be proxy forms in the lobby at church.


·      Call the meeting to order

·      Light the chalice and opening reading by Don Rogers

·      Review the Red River UU Meeting Covenant

·      Roll call by David

·      Approval of the minutes from the May 21, 2023 Spring Congregational Meeting

·      New Member Ceremony

.     Review and Approve the Red River UU Behavioral Covenant

·      Financial Report 

·      Discussion and Approval of the Annual Reports

1.    Aesthetics

2.    Audio Visual

3.    Caring

4.    Conversations and Calories

5.    Communications

6.    Community Outreach

7.    Endowment Committee

8.  Facilities

9. Membership

10.  Movable Feast

11.  National Voter Registration Day

12. Nominating Committee

13.  North Texas UU Congregation

14.  Religious Education

15.  Safe Congregation

16.  Shelter Meals

17.  Strategic Planning (Long-range Planning)

18.  Website

19.  Web of Life Monarch Waystation

20.  Worship Team

·      Review Status of Approved Annual Goals

·      Discuss Minister Search grant funding status & progress.

·      Worship Survey Report

·      OpeDn Discussion

·      Closing Reading & Extinguishing the Chalice Amy Hoffman-Shehan

·      Adjournment 

Other Docs

·      Proxy Form

Download the Packet of Documents HERE