A Journey in and out of Religion

A Journey in and out of Religion
Marion Hill, speaking

Many people come to a Unitarian church after having been brought up in another denomination but then finding that their original religion didn’t “work for them” in adulthood.  Today Red River UU member Marion Hill will discuss the sometimes surprising journey of Frank Schaeffer, whose parents were missionaries to Switzerland and who, in young adulthood, became a leader of the religious right, but then rebelled against that life.  In three bestselling books—one of which is titled “Why I Am an Atheist Who Believes in God”—he details the twists and turns in his thinking that brought him to a position of both belief AND non-belief.

Comparing the evangelical/fundamentalists he knows so well to the New Atheists (Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and others), he finds both of their approaches equally unsatisfactory.

Meet Marion Moore Hill

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