Download: The morning program
TMP - 07-25
VIRTUAL VISITORS AND FRIENDS: You can now join us @ 11:15 am on ZOOM as we live stream the morning assembly. MEETING ID: 989 0789 7878
Our guest speaker this morning Adrian Hinman, an active member of our community. They joined the congregation two years ago and are currently a member of the Welcoming Congregation Committee and sits in on Worship Team meetings (when we met in person) offering suggestions and ideas. Adrian and their son, Marko, live in Denison.
Of their remarks Adrian writes:
Did you know that by simply respecting a transgender person’s pronouns, you can literally cut their odds of attempting suicide? [Details here:] I want that statistic in your mind when you come in, and be ready to listen, even (or especially) if you’re going to be uncomfortable. I’ll be speaking on the singular use of “they”, what to do when you accidentally misgender someone, and why some trans folks get angry when you make mistakes regarding their identity.
I’ll also be happy to answer questions regarding my own gender, so if there’s ever been things you’ve wanted to ask a nonbinary person, here’s your chance.
sounds interesting, looking fowards to it.