EQUIP 2019


9:00 am - 1:30 pm


First Unitarian Church
4015 Normandy Ave, Dallas, TX, 75205

Event Type

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Equip 2019: UU Tools to Teach, Serve, & Lead

Saturday, August 10, 2019, 09:00am

A training opportunity for teachers, hospitality teams, small group leaders and other key volunteers
to expand their knowledge and skillset for greater impact on their church and community.


Opening Program: Music in the Air
Experience the joy and inspiration that the universal language of music instills in our hearts.

Workshops (Subject to Change)

Love Beyond Belief
UU Theologian Thandeka uses the UU 7th Principle to link our human experience of feeling, and reflection on what we feel, to all of life and the world around us. Tapping our deep sensations of awe, wonder, and love is the beginning transformational experience. She writes, “The access point to this state of consciousness isn’t thinking; it’s feeling.” The question Thandeka raises is how do we set up opportunities in our churches to help folks convert their personal experiences into life-affirming actions? What we’re looking for are ways to equip folks with the capacity to live their lives with deeper compassion, care, love. How do we confirm a sense of being supported and valued in this often-cruel world? How do we inspire acts of lovingkindness? Through work she has called Love Beyond Belief, Thandeka suggests several ways of organizing our time together in small groups to encourage deep reflection and transformative experience. First Church has been experimenting with her suggestions. Come learn more about Thandeka’s work,  what ‘s been tried, and how it’s going.

Widening the Welcome
Interweave Dallas, an affiliate organization of the First Unitarian Church of Dallas & Interweave Continental, serves the LGBTQA community in the Dallas area by nurturing spiritual growth & fellowship, promoting understanding, and furthering social justice. Interweave is comprised of  LGBTQ and allies dedicated to a progressive view of religion and spirituality. Welcoming people of many beliefs, people of many ages, people of many backgrounds, Interweave has been on the forefront of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer inclusion for more than 40 years. We are people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. Learn how this extraordinary adventure of faith and friendship has impacted our lives and how this group serves the LGBTQ community at First Church and strengthens the entire congregation. Bring your questions to this workshop and ponder how other UU congregations in North Texas and their surrounding communities might be transformed by starting similar groups.

Training for Teachers and Advisors of First Unitarian Church of Dallas
Learn about our philosophy of religious education, discover steps to help children and teens achieve self-discipline, learn tricks to enhance your lessons so everyone enjoys them (including you), and find out what the curriculum really is. Get information about new safety technology and important safety procedures in the event of an emergency. Meet and enjoy the company of others deeply dedicated to our free faith.

CPR/AED Training
Come learn the skills you need to respond when someone in your community suffers cardiac arrest. We will practice hands-only CPR, and learn how to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) machine. This is a great workshop for hospitality teams including ushers and greeters.

Small Group Ministry
Small group ministry can be a vital part of your congregation’s faith formation and community building programs.  Learn about the purpose, covenants, format, topics, training, and structure for an ongoing program. Participants will learn about group ministry programs and resources and experience basic facilitator training. The workshop will also include a short “sample session” to illustrate the power and energy that can develop in small group ministry.
Enjoy a delicious lunch with friends, old and new.

Blessing of Your Ministry and Work




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