Movable Feast chalice circle will do ‘small-group dinners’ again in July, with Feasts to be hosted by Amy Hoffman-Shehan on July 20 at 5:00 p.m. and Carolyn and Bruce Cameron on July 11 at 5:00 p.m., both events to be at Red River UU Church. Amy’s dinner will feature make-it-yourself pizzas (gluten-free crusts already prepared, lots of fixin’s to choose from for toppings). The Camerons’ dinner will feature a catered meal that will be ‘convenient for most special diets,’ Carolyn says. [Note the time change on the Camerons’ dinner; it had earlier been announced as 6:00, but it will be 5:00]
The small-group dinners are designed to include no more than eight people at each one, making for easy conversation. But we don’t wish to exclude anyone who wishes to participate. If more than 16 people sign up for the July dinners, the Fearless Feast Facilitators will see about adding a third Feast in July.
If you wish to participate in July, please contact Marion Hill, stating your preference of the two events (if you have one). However, the FFFs reserve the right to assign people to Feasts to keep the numbers even.
Happy Feasting!
Elbert and Marion Hill