Social Action Update
The new year offers continuing emphasis on ways to help others. Opportunities are listed weekly in the Texas Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry (TXUUJM) Action Hour every Thursday on the weekly zoom meeting from 7 – 8 pm. Any member of the congregation is welcome to join with these.
As part of the ongoing work, Reproductive Justice offers a training course in three parts started the last Sunday in January. The next session is Sunday, February 12 followed by the final one February 26 at 3 pm.
There will also be an opportunity to join other members of TXUUJM on our Lobby Day in Austin on Monday, March 13. Texas UUs and our justice-seeking friends will convene at the Texas Capitol building for our annual TXUUJM Legislative Action Day and an interfaith rally around issues of postpartum healthcare and mortality of Black mothers and birthing persons. Details to come but please get it on your calendar, and rally a group of friends. Red River UU would like to send a group. Check your calendar and let me know if you wish to be part of this group.
To prepare for this and other activities, our Social Action Team resumes our meetings Saturday, February 18 at 2 pm. Please bring your list of other local activities to share.
Black Lives Matter
The third Black History Month Festival and Freedom Parade finishes events in February.
Sherman Community Players presents “Permanent Collection” a play by Thomas Gibbons, a searing examination of racial politics that ultimately asks how much space — literally and figuratively — the white world gives to African Americans.
What is the cost of failing to view the world through another’s eyes? The performances are at Finley Theatre in Sherman February 3 & 4, 10 & 11, and 17 & 18 at 7:30 pm and Sunday matinees February 5, 12 & 19 at 2 pm.
For those who missed the Juneteenth event, Grayson United and the Historical Marker Committee for the Sherman Riot of 1930 again present the historical Sankofa Journey of Sherman’s sites on Saturday, February 4 at 2 pm. Meet across Walnut from the Sherman Library for the walking tour with church buses available for persons with mobility issues.
Friday, February 10 at 7 pm, BHM Festival presents an original production titled “The Fall, The Rise and The Hope”. This unique retelling of the struggle from slavery through the Civil Rights era takes place at Austin College’s Wynne Chapel.
Everyone loves a parade, and we have one Saturday morning February 11 at 10 am in downtown Sherman. Bring the family to support local businesses, nonprofits and organizations celebrate.
Saturday night, Feb 11 festivities, again at Wynne Chapel, gives you a chance to celebrate an early Sweetheart Banquet and Dance, music provided by Dallas band Fingerprints. There is a suggested donation of $35 per person to cover food and entertainment. Complete information is available at
Grayson College pays tribute to BHM Thursday, February 16. A buffet is served at 6:30 pm and the program begins at 7. No details are available at this time for speakers, etc.
To close the month, Dr. Felix Harcourt of Austin College presents local history events in Civil Rights at the next CIVICS 101: How America Works. Join us Monday, February 27 from 5:30 – 7 pm at Grand Avenue Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall in Sherman.