Archives: Services

“Ecological Salvation”

DOWNLOAD THE MORNING PROGRAM HERE Ecological Salvation The Rev Dr Mark Y.A. Davies, leading Of his discourse, Mark writes:  Salvation is a concept shared by a number of different religious traditions and typically focuses on the salvation of individuals or portions of the human community from evil, travails, suffering, and even death itself. The context of the … Continue reading “Ecological Salvation”

“What’s Your Story?”

What’s Your Story? Elena Westbrook, leading Download the Morning Program here (later in the week) As soon as we can talk, humans ask for stories. Stories are how we make sense of our world. But have you ever thought about the story you tell yourself about yourself? In this service, we’ll look at how the stories we … Continue reading “What’s Your Story?”

“The BLUU Story”

The BLUU Story Jana Norris, guest speaker   Download the morning program HERE Of her discourse, Jana writes.. February is Black History Month.  Knowledge of one’s history grounds one’s journey, while dreams of the future share and direct it.  However, it is only in the present that action can take place. But acting in the present … Continue reading “The BLUU Story”

Reaction to Modernity

Reaction to Modernity Walter Norris, leading Download the Morning Program HERE or read it below without downloading it.   Karen Armstrong in several of her books about the history of religion reveals that “religious fundamentalism is a 20th Century phenomenon.”  She further communicates that “this phenomenon is a reaction or rejection to modernity.” I am … Continue reading Reaction to Modernity

It’s a Conspiracy!

It’s a Conspiracy! The Rev Dr Mark Y.A. Davies, leading DOWNLOAD THE MORNING PROGRAM HERE or read it below without downloading. So many persons are drawn to conspiracy theories. When one begins to believe one of the many baseless conspiracy theories being spread, it is like a gateway drug that leads persons down a path … Continue reading It’s a Conspiracy!

Stepping into the Future

Stepping into the Future Marla Loturco, leading Download the Morning Program here  or read it below w/o having to download it. An old year is ending, a new one beginning.  We need to prepare ourselves for that step into the future by releasing whatever we want to leave behind and welcoming our next challenge. Along with the personal, … Continue reading Stepping into the Future