Reflections on the life of one of the most important leaders for racial and social justice of our time and the gifts he left us to address the urgent challenge for social justice in the present and future.
With Amazement & Admiration

Our Annual Thanks
and Appreciation Gathering
On Sunday, Feb. 20
Immediately After
The Morning Assembly
In the Chapel and via Zoom
Meeting ID 989 0789 7878
FULL DETAILS are listed on the church calender – go the now by clicking/tapping HERE

ABOUT OUR GUEST MINISTER: Leading today’s morning assembly is the Rev. Dr. Mark Y.A. Davies. Mark is the Wimberly Professor of Social and Ecological Ethics at Oklahoma City University where he has worked in both teaching and administration for 25 years. He is an ordained elder in the Oklahoma Conference of the United Methodist Church.
Mark’s Ph.D. is from Boston University in the area of Social Ethics, and he has served Boston University School of Theology as a member of its Dean’s Advisory Board and as the alumnus representative their Green Team as part of the Green Seminary Initiative.
Mark engages in advocacy and activism in the areas of peace, social justice, and ecological sustainability. Locally this is expressed through his work with the Human Community Network, which works to create non-violent systemic change for a just and flourishing human and ecological community through collaboration, education, innovation, and action. See
He and his wife Kristin live in Edmond, OK in the United States, and they have two daughters who attend Oklahoma City University.