Speaker: The Rev. Dr. Mark Y. A. Davies

The Legacy of Wangari Maathai: Planter of Trees and Justice

The Legacy of Wangari Maathai: Planter of Trees and Justice The Rev Dr Mark Y.A. Davies, leading YOU MAY DOWNLOAD THE MORNING PROGRAM HERE later in the week. Nobel Peace Laureate Wangari Maathai of Kenya led a movement to restore the forests of Kenya for the sake of the environment and the economic well-being of … Continue reading The Legacy of Wangari Maathai: Planter of Trees and Justice

“The Creative Tension of Justice Making”

Download The Morning Program here or read it without downloading below. Of his discourse, Mark writes: Martin Luther King said, “True peace is not nearly the absence of tension, it is the presence of justice.” Creating justice is not a passive enterprise. It requires action, and sometimes it requires direct action that presses creatively on … Continue reading “The Creative Tension of Justice Making”

The Democracy of Beloved Community

The Democracy of Beloved Community The Rev. Mark Y.A. Davies, leading  The world deeply needs religious visions that model inclusion, community, and democracy rather than patriarchy, hierarchy, and autocracy – visions that call us to look around and join with others in beloved, just, and participatory communities rather than looking up and bowing down. DOWNLOAD … Continue reading The Democracy of Beloved Community

“Justice Interconnected” –

Download The Morning Program here (or read it below w/o downloading) Justice Interconnected – the Rev. Dr. Mark Y. A. Davies, leading Of his discourse, Mark writes: Martin Luther King wisely noted that “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” Social Justice concerns within our society are intimately connected with one another, and it … Continue reading “Justice Interconnected” –