Topic: All Music Assembly

Easter for the Non-Religious: Our Seventh Annual All-Music Easter Morning

Religious communities often disagree more than they agree – conflicting theologies, writings, beliefs … the list goes on and on. One thing, however, seems to be present in many, if not all, gathered communities of faith: music.  We will again this year celebrate Easter special concert by flutist Cornell Kinderknecht. For those who cut church … Continue reading Easter for the Non-Religious: Our Seventh Annual All-Music Easter Morning

In The Spirit of Woody Guthrie with “Toulouse T’ Care”

Toulouse T’ Care, the singing duo of Fenton Rood and Mark Christian,  brings us a morning filled with songs  Woody Guthrie Wood wrote,  along with a couple of songs about the man.   Guthrie was a lot of things.  He was an activist during the depression and all the way through World War II. As Unitarian Universalists … Continue reading In The Spirit of Woody Guthrie with “Toulouse T’ Care”