Being Loving and Just in an Unloving and Unjust Society

Being Loving and Just in an Unloving and Unjust Society Download the morning program here later in the week. Of his discourse, Mark writes … Being Loving and Just in an Unloving and Unjust Society – Many societies past and present fall into patterns and practices that are not healthy are good for persons or … Continue reading Being Loving and Just in an Unloving and Unjust Society

Science of Mind: A Philosophy, Science, or Way of Life?

Science of Mind: A Philosophy, Science, or Way of Life? Jim Berrong Our guest speaker  will provide us with an overview of how Ernest Holmes (1887-1960) developed what is today known as the Center for Spiritual Living, with communities around the Globe, as well as what Science of Mind is. Your questions after his short talk … Continue reading Science of Mind: A Philosophy, Science, or Way of Life?