Archives: Services

Invisible Bricks

Invisible Bricks Marla Loturco, leading You can download the morning program here later in the week. During the recent UUA Shared Pulpit Class which Marla attended, each participant explored how  sermons differ from lectures.  Crafting a sermon often starts by the preacher stumbling on a random quote that becomes the foundation of the resulting discourse.  On … Continue reading Invisible Bricks

Science of Mind: A Philosophy, Science, or Way of Life?

Download the morning program here or read it below without having to download it. Our guest speaker  will provide us with an overview of how Ernest Holmes (1887-1960) developed what is today known as the Center for Spiritual Living, with communities around the Globe, as well as what Science of Mind is. Your questions after his short … Continue reading Science of Mind: A Philosophy, Science, or Way of Life?

Being Loving and Just in an Unloving and Unjust Society

“Many societies past and present fall into patterns and practices that are not healthy are good for persons or the planet. This discourse will explore what can be done at the local community level to express love, do justice, and provide support for one another during such challenging times.”   See the Morning Program below. About … Continue reading Being Loving and Just in an Unloving and Unjust Society

“Infinite Rainbows”

Infinite Rainbows the Rev. Dr. Christine Tata, leading (video message) DOWNLOAD THE MORNING PROGRAM HERE or read it below without having to download it The image of the rainbow has been rising in our consciousness these days, replacing, and healing harmful binaries in our ideas about gender, neuroscience, and religious experience. Let’s consider together the nearly … Continue reading “Infinite Rainbows”

Reflections on The False White Gospel –

Reflections on The False White Gospel The Rev Dr Mark Y.A. Davies, leading Download The Morning Program here later this week. In this discourse, I will reflect on Jim Wallis’ most recent book, The False White Gospel, and discuss his perspectives on the historical and current expressions of white Christian nationalism in the United States and what … Continue reading Reflections on The False White Gospel –