Speaker: Marla Loturco

Invisible Bricks

Invisible Bricks Marla Loturco, leading You can download the morning program here later in the week. During the recent UUA Shared Pulpit Class which Marla attended, each participant explored how  sermons differ from lectures.  Crafting a sermon often starts by the preacher stumbling on a random quote that becomes the foundation of the resulting discourse.  On … Continue reading Invisible Bricks

“Peace Sunday #10 – More Leaders Caring for the Planet”

Peace Sunday #10 – More Leaders Caring for the Planet Download The Morning Program HERE or read it below without having to download it. Why worry about the planet?  It certainly seems a relevant topic to me right now with all of the extreme weather experiences, loss of pollinators and other natural struggles.  Our last two peace … Continue reading “Peace Sunday #10 – More Leaders Caring for the Planet”

Peace Sunday #8: Astrid Lindgren and Jane Goodhall

Peace Sunday #8 Marla Loturco, leading Astrid Lindgren and Jane Goodall also are known for “Valuing All Life” instead of just human life.  Lindgren is also well known for her children’s books and Goodall for her work with primates.  Information on both of these leaders is based on the book Great Peacemakers: True Stories from Around the World by Ken … Continue reading Peace Sunday #8: Astrid Lindgren and Jane Goodhall

Peace Sunday #7

Peace Sunday #7 Marla Loturco, leading Henry Salt and Albert Schweitzer are the two peace leaders we will learn about this Sunday.  They are two of the leaders who advocated for “Valuing All Life” instead of just human life.  They are definitely proponents of our seventh principle: Respect for the Interdependent Web of All Existence of … Continue reading Peace Sunday #7

Peace Sunday #6

Peace Sunday #6 Marla Loturco, leading You can download the morning program here or read it below w/o having to download it. Last year we had five “Peace Sunday’s” based on the book Great Peacemakers: True Stories from Around the World by Ken Beller and Heather Chase.  This Sunday we will continue exploring their work with peace leaders Riane … Continue reading Peace Sunday #6

An Ending and A Beginning

THE MORNING PROGRAM  An Ending and A Beginning The new year calls us forward, filled with mystery.  As we turn toward that new year, we take a final glimpse of the past year, and reckon with all that it held for us.  We will consider what we might leave behind from the old year, and what we … Continue reading An Ending and A Beginning

Laughter in Dark Times

When life gets you down, whether from personal  or global tragedy, it is important to find your laughter. As Josh Billings says about laughter, “Genuine laughing is the vent of the soul, the nostrils of the heart, and it is just as necessary for health and happiness as spring water is for a trout.”  Come … Continue reading Laughter in Dark Times