Speaker: The Rev. Doug Strong

When the Universalists & the Unitarians Voted to Consolidate, My Mother Voted NO!

THE MORNING PROGRAM: https://redriveruu.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/TMP-07-11-v.1.pdf VIRTUAL VISITORS AND FRIENDS:  You can now join us @ 11:15 am on ZOOM as we live stream the morning assembly.  MEETING ID: 989 0789 7878 A month ago, the Unitarian Universalist Association turns 60. A good time  to take stock and wonder, “Would liberal religion have died if the Universalists and … Continue reading When the Universalists & the Unitarians Voted to Consolidate, My Mother Voted NO!

“The Erosion of Forbearance and Mutual Toleration”

Join us at 11:15 am on our YouTube channel (redriveruu) all one word WATCH NOW HERE:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiVA9cGMXrU THE MORNING PROGRAM is below We live in perilous times. Between now and November We, The People, will become even more fractures and distrustful of one another.  Two leading scholars of democracy, Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt explain … Continue reading “The Erosion of Forbearance and Mutual Toleration”