Speaker: The Worship Team

Water Communion Sunday –

Download the Morning Program here or read it below without downloading. Communion Sunday – The Worship Team, leading In 1980, two Unitarian universalist women, Carolyn McDade and Lucille Shuck Longview, were asked to create a worship experience for the Women and Religion Continental – Convocation of Unitarian Universalist. As they shaped that ceremony McDade and … Continue reading Water Communion Sunday –

“Strong Families – More than Cards and Flowers”

Strong Families – More than Cards and Flowers – The Worship Team, leading Download The morning program here or read it immediately below. There are reasons the worship team decided to focus on history of Mother’s Day and Flower Communion today.  Both Unitarian women invented events, both carry intriguing messages about families and connections. One is … Continue reading “Strong Families – More than Cards and Flowers”

Strong Families – More than Cards and Flowers

“Strong Families – More than Cards and Flowers” Flower Communion Sunday & Mother’s Day, too! The Worship Team, leading There are reasons the worship team decided to focus on history of Mother’s Day and Flower Communion – both events were invented by Unitarian women, both carry intriguing messages about families and connections.  One is still … Continue reading Strong Families – More than Cards and Flowers

Side With Love – Reproductive Justice

THHE MORNING PROGRAM This year’s Thirty Days of Love is focusing on four themes from the recently published report called Widening the Circle of Concern, which was developed by the Commission on Institutional Change, a UUA Board commissioned group charged with researching, reporting, and making recommendations for transforming white supremacy and other oppressions in the … Continue reading Side With Love – Reproductive Justice

Forty-First Annual Water Communion Sunday

Forty-First Annual Water Communion Sunday The Worship Team, leading download: The Morning Program Water Communion is a uniquely Unitarian Universalist tradition, begun at a women’s UU convocation in 1980 by Carolyn McDade and Lucille Schuck Longview, to honor women’s work locally and to connect that work to a larger whole. In the intervening 41 years, it … Continue reading Forty-First Annual Water Communion Sunday

Flower Communion Sunday

The morning program Flower Communion Sunday   A Sunday to celebrate one of the loveliest traditions from our Unitarian forbearers. Now in it’s 98 year, flower communion is an annual ritual that celebrates beauty, human uniqueness, diversity, and community.  The history of flower communion will be shared, its purpose explored by the worship team who will … Continue reading Flower Communion Sunday

A Ritual for the New Year

A RITUAL FOR THE NEW YEAR The Worship Team Marla Loturco, leading Sneak Peek:  https://youtu.be/bZlpRkOJDuI A Ritual for the New Year – For five thousand years, or more, more than fifteen thousand generations of human beings have been invoking spiritual power. We will be touching that spiritual power by letting go, metaphoric cleansing, setting of intentions and, … Continue reading A Ritual for the New Year

Liberating Strife: Independence Day 2020

Watch this morning assembly here The Morning Program is below. The little-known third verse of “America the Beautiful” contains these words: “Oh beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife who more than self their country loved and mercy more than life!” Emerging from the liberating strife of the American Revolution, our country has faced strife … Continue reading Liberating Strife: Independence Day 2020