Archives: Services

“Fighting Theocracy”

You may download the morning program here or read it online below without downloading. With reproductive justice under attack, “don’t say gay” laws gaining traction, and a warped view of religious freedom threatening civil rights; the real possibility of theocracy is at our doorstep, and the Supreme Court of the United States can no longer be … Continue reading “Fighting Theocracy”

“Transgender in Comon Usage and Jurisprudence”

“Transgender in Comon Usage and Jurisprudence” Dr. Rachel Tudor, guest speaker Download the Morning Program or read it below Of her discourse, Dr. Tudor writes: Names and labels are used to identify and, all too often, exclude, marginalize, and literally demonize people who are different or see the world differently. Through the use of the … Continue reading “Transgender in Comon Usage and Jurisprudence”

“Going Local”

Download the Morning Program HERE or just read it below. Marks comments about his upcoming discourse: Going Local OF HIS UPCOMING DISCOURSE MARK WRITES:  2000-mile salads, money streaming out of our local communities, dependence on global corporations, living in debt, little to no connection and commerce with the people around us, over-dependence on fossil fuel, depopulation and … Continue reading “Going Local”

“Strong Families – More than Cards and Flowers”

Strong Families – More than Cards and Flowers – The Worship Team, leading Download The morning program here or read it immediately below. There are reasons the worship team decided to focus on history of Mother’s Day and Flower Communion today.  Both Unitarian women invented events, both carry intriguing messages about families and connections. One is … Continue reading “Strong Families – More than Cards and Flowers”

Strong Families – More than Cards and Flowers

“Strong Families – More than Cards and Flowers” Flower Communion Sunday & Mother’s Day, too! The Worship Team, leading There are reasons the worship team decided to focus on history of Mother’s Day and Flower Communion – both events were invented by Unitarian women, both carry intriguing messages about families and connections.  One is still … Continue reading Strong Families – More than Cards and Flowers

“Right Belief or Right Living” – The Rev. Dr. David Usher

The Rev. David Usher, guest minister (video message) Download the morning program or read it below. David was the hula hoop champion Manchester before going on to write one of the greatest books of knock knock jokes and it’s probably most famous for his art exhibition at the Guggenheim of cotton candy sculptures.  He was … Continue reading “Right Belief or Right Living” – The Rev. Dr. David Usher

The Importance of Diversity for Human and Ecological Communities

The morning program (appears here on Saturday) The Importance of Diversity for Human and Ecological Communities. The Rev. Dr. Mark Y.A. Davies, leading The most sustainable and resilient ecological communities are those with greater biodiversity.  What lessons might we learn from nature about the significance of diversity for the well-being of our human communities. Returning again … Continue reading The Importance of Diversity for Human and Ecological Communities

Transcendence and Enlightenment: A New Take on the story of Easter

Title and Description: Transcendence and Enlightenment: A New Take on the story of Easter We’ve all heard the story about Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, but is it fact or is it an allegory for something else? DOWNLOAD the morning program or read it below w/o having to download it. ABOUT OUR GUEST SPEAKER:  Beth Ferree … Continue reading Transcendence and Enlightenment: A New Take on the story of Easter