Archives: Services

“Infinite Rainbows”

Infinite Rainbows the Rev. Dr. Christine Tata, leading (video message) DOWNLOAD THE MORNING PROGRAM HERE or read it below without having to download it The image of the rainbow has been rising in our consciousness these days, replacing, and healing harmful binaries in our ideas about gender, neuroscience, and religious experience. Let’s consider together the nearly … Continue reading “Infinite Rainbows”

Reflections on The False White Gospel –

Reflections on The False White Gospel The Rev Dr Mark Y.A. Davies, leading Download The Morning Program here later this week. In this discourse, I will reflect on Jim Wallis’ most recent book, The False White Gospel, and discuss his perspectives on the historical and current expressions of white Christian nationalism in the United States and what … Continue reading Reflections on The False White Gospel –

“The Worth of Dignity , Human or Otherwise”

The Worth of Dignity, Human or Otherwise. Byron Allison Miller, leading Have you ever said, you’re worth it! or I’m worth it! or you better believe it!?  While such affirmations come with a past and a present, their deeper reality is that they are most significantly something else. They are a Prelude. It is their future that carries the most weight. What did Captain Jean … Continue reading “The Worth of Dignity , Human or Otherwise”

Gratitude for the UUs from a UMC Minister

Scroll to the bottom of this announcement to read the Morning Program (two pages). Of his discourse, Mark writes: The Unitarian Universalist Association has been a witness to diversity, equity, and inclusion for many decades, and it has provided a model for how other religious communities can draw the circle of beloved community wider still. … Continue reading Gratitude for the UUs from a UMC Minister

A Transgender Students gets a Lead Role. The District Shouts No!

A Transgender Students gets a Lead Role. The District Shouts No! Phillip and Amy Hightower, guest speakers DOWNLOAD THE MORNING PROGRAM HERE or read it below without having to download it. Phillip and Amy Hightower along with their 17-year-old son Max were catapulted into the news last winter after their trans son was offered a … Continue reading A Transgender Students gets a Lead Role. The District Shouts No!

“Power Sunday”

Power Sunday The Worship Team, leading Download the morning program here or read it below without having to download it. The premise of this morning assembly is that democracy is being threatened, but we are not powerless; we all have meaningful ways to save our democratic system. One way is to commit to being an … Continue reading “Power Sunday”