Archives: Services

“What Is My Duty?”

DOWNLOAD the morning program: What is my Duty? –  To whom do we owe obligations? What is the difference between direct and indirect duties? Do we have duties to non-human life? To future generations? To people we don’t even know?  Should we do our duty no matter what the consequences may be? Join us online … Continue reading “What Is My Duty?”

“The Land Ethic and the Importance of Soil”

the Rev. Dr. Mark Y.A. Davies, speaking Soil degradation is not on too many people’s radar screen, much less high on their list of most pressing ecological problems facing our world today, but that being said, soil degradation is still one of the most significant ecological challenges of the 21st Century whether we recognize it … Continue reading “The Land Ethic and the Importance of Soil”

“All Souls, All Saints: The Congregation of the Real World”

Sneak Peek: The Morning Program:  Join the Rev Dr Christine in a look at how all seekers, from any tradition, can be part of the Congregation of the Real World – the virtual congregation that has come into being in this year of pandemic. In the Congregation of the Real World, traditional categories are … Continue reading “All Souls, All Saints: The Congregation of the Real World”

“The UU Get Out the Vote National Worship Assembly”

“The UU Get Out the Vote National Worship Assembly”  THE MORNING PROGRAM: the Rev. Dr. Susan Frederick-Grey, UUA President and other UU leaders, speaking In this midst of global pandemic, rising authoritarianism, and uprising, lives hang in the balance and the future of democracy is on the line. In response, Unitarian Universalists are answering the … Continue reading “The UU Get Out the Vote National Worship Assembly”

“Do Not Go Gentle”

“Do Not Go Gentle” the Rev. Dr. Christine Tata, speaking In anxious times, Unitarian Universalists draw upon many sources of religious wisdom, including Jewish and Christian teachings that counsel us to be pure and meek and gentle. In really anxious times, when shadows seem to loom, we need some really powerful words–like the poetry of … Continue reading “Do Not Go Gentle”

“Deck Chairs, Lifeboats, Icebergs? Time for A Better Story”

The meme machines are working full time to register every crisis we face as one of Titanic proportions—and us people are just helpless, hopeless fools, doomed to rearranging the deck chairs on a ship that’s destined to sink. But nobody actually rearranged any deck chairs on the Titanic. And that doesn’t have to be our story. … Continue reading “Deck Chairs, Lifeboats, Icebergs? Time for A Better Story”