Archives: Services

Peace Sunday #8: Astrid Lindgren and Jane Goodhall

Peace Sunday #8 Marla Loturco, leading Astrid Lindgren and Jane Goodall also are known for “Valuing All Life” instead of just human life.  Lindgren is also well known for her children’s books and Goodall for her work with primates.  Information on both of these leaders is based on the book Great Peacemakers: True Stories from Around the World by Ken … Continue reading Peace Sunday #8: Astrid Lindgren and Jane Goodhall

“Reflections on Doughnut Economics”

“Reflections on Doughnut Economics” The Rev. Dr. Mark Y. A. Davies, leading   You may download the Morning Program here. Of his discourse, Mark writes … In 2018, Kate Raworth published the book Doughnut Economics as an alternative to the dominant perspectives on economics that typically focus on growth in Gross National Product as the most important … Continue reading “Reflections on Doughnut Economics”

Ever Willing: Becoming the People Our World Needs

Ever Willing:  Becoming the People Our World Needs DOWNLOAD OUR LOCAL MORNING PROGRAM OF THIS G.A. EVENT HERE, JOIN US for a worship experience we’re sharing which took place one week ago at the UU General Assembly.  The Rev. Manish K. Mishra-Marzetti serves as senior minister of the First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor, … Continue reading Ever Willing: Becoming the People Our World Needs

Peace Sunday #7

Peace Sunday #7 Marla Loturco, leading Henry Salt and Albert Schweitzer are the two peace leaders we will learn about this Sunday.  They are two of the leaders who advocated for “Valuing All Life” instead of just human life.  They are definitely proponents of our seventh principle: Respect for the Interdependent Web of All Existence of … Continue reading Peace Sunday #7

“The Quest for Truth”

June 18 – “The Quest for Truth” The Rev. Dr. Mark Y.A. Davies, leading You can download the morning program here or read it below w/o having to download it.   Of his discourse, Mark writes … Perhaps commitment to the Truth is best expressed in a realization that we as individuals, communities, cultures, political groups, … Continue reading “The Quest for Truth”

“For the good of society…”

PRIDE SUNDAY 2023 “For the good of society…” Adrian Hinman, (they, their) guest speaker Download the morning program TMP -June 11 – v.1 or read it below w/o having to download it. “…Transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely— the whole preposterous ideology, at every level” These words were spoken in March of this … Continue reading “For the good of society…”

Ecological Responsibility and the Global Biodiversity Crisis

June 4 – “Ecological Responsibility and the Global Biodiversity Crisis” The Rev. Dr. Mark Y.A. Davies, leading Of his discourse, Mark writes: You can download the morning program here  Sometimes as we rightly focus on the climate crisis, it is easy to forget the global biodiversity crisis (exacerbated and accelerated by the climate crisis) we are … Continue reading Ecological Responsibility and the Global Biodiversity Crisis

Peace Sunday #6

Peace Sunday #6 Marla Loturco, leading You can download the morning program here or read it below w/o having to download it. Last year we had five “Peace Sunday’s” based on the book Great Peacemakers: True Stories from Around the World by Ken Beller and Heather Chase.  This Sunday we will continue exploring their work with peace leaders Riane … Continue reading Peace Sunday #6