Speaker: Elena Westbrook

Ghosts of Christmas Past

“Ghosts of Christmas Past.” Download the morning program, here or see it below without having to download it. Of her discourse, Elena comments: Are you overwhelmed by tinsel, lights, gift obligations and Jingle Bells on endless repeat? Join us on December 10th to search for the deeper meaning of the season and sources of healing in … Continue reading Ghosts of Christmas Past

“What’s Your Story”

What’s Your Story? Elena Westbrook, leading You can download the morning program here (or read the program below without having to download it.) As soon as we can talk, humans ask for stories. Stories are how we make sense of our world. But have you ever thought about the story you tell yourself about yourself? In this … Continue reading “What’s Your Story”

“What’s Your Story?”

What’s Your Story? Elena Westbrook, leading Download the Morning Program here (later in the week) As soon as we can talk, humans ask for stories. Stories are how we make sense of our world. But have you ever thought about the story you tell yourself about yourself? In this service, we’ll look at how the stories we … Continue reading “What’s Your Story?”

One True Thing –

Finding Your One True Thing Download the Morning Program here The Morning Program We share a faith that claims to value questions over answers. Nevertheless, UUs are as vulnerable as everyone else to all the ways humans leap to judgment and even dogmatism. In a complicated, angry country lining up to take rigid sides, is … Continue reading One True Thing –

The Still Point of the Turning World

Why meditate? In our driven, achievement-focused world, what are the benefits of learning to create stillness inside yourself? Elena Westbrook will introduce a few different approaches, including breathing techniques and Tonglen meditation, that can be a powerful part of your spiritual practice. Elena Westbrook returns to our pulpit this morning.  Elena is an active member … Continue reading The Still Point of the Turning World

World on Fire

A 16-year-old named Greta Thunberg just spent two weeks crossing the Atlantic in a sailboat to keep from contributing to CO2 emissions by flying to New York. In the meantime, the U.S. is lowering fuel standards and removing limits on methane emissions by oil and gas companies. The Amazon is burning and Brazil refuses help … Continue reading World on Fire

Applied Hope in a Warming World

Hurricanes, floods, fires … what kind of world will we be facing in 20 years? What will you need to know and do? And how do you find the hope and inspiration needed to keep moving forward when the earth is undergoing such massive, global change?