Speaker: The Rev. Dr. Mark Y. A. Davies

From Fundamentalism to Freedom – A Personal Journey

An overview of my personal journey through fundamentalist Christianity to a religion of inclusion, justice, and sustainability. The Rev. Dr. Mark Davies is the Oklahoma State Humanities Scholar for the Smithsonian Institute Museum on Main Street Water/Ways exhibit.  He is also the Wimberly Professor of Social and Ecological Ethics; Director of the World House Institute for … Continue reading From Fundamentalism to Freedom – A Personal Journey

The Earth Community

The Earth Community – an exploration of what life might be like if we thought of ourselves as earthlings first.   Rev. Dr. Mark Y. A. Davies is the Wimberly Professor of Social and Ecological Ethics, Director of the World House Institute for Social and Ecological Responsibility, and Executive Director of the Leadership. Education, and … Continue reading The Earth Community

Prophets and Priests

Throughout the history of religious experience, there has been a tension between the prophetic and priestly functions of religion. Religion sometimes challenges the norms and practices of society and culture, and at times it reinforces the norms and practices of society and culture. What is the appropriate balance in this tension between calling for change … Continue reading Prophets and Priests

The World is my Parish

The World is my Parish – reflections on what we might learn from the founder of Methodism, John Wesley, in our current global context. We will also be exploring the universalist themes within Wesley’s understanding of grace. Mark Davies is the Oklahoma State Humanities Scholar for the Smithsonian Institute Museum on Main Street Water/Ways exhibit.  … Continue reading The World is my Parish

Wade in the Water

We all know that without water there is no life. Sadly, there are many water challenges that are facing our communities.  These challenges impact our region, and even the world. How can we care for this most precious part of our ecological community?  On Sunday, Dr. Davies will explore these challenges and look at what … Continue reading Wade in the Water