Speaker: The Worship Team

Liberating Strife: Independence Day 2020

Watch this morning assembly here The Morning Program is below. The little-known third verse of “America the Beautiful” contains these words: “Oh beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife who more than self their country loved and mercy more than life!” Emerging from the liberating strife of the American Revolution, our country has faced strife … Continue reading Liberating Strife: Independence Day 2020

“A Flower Communion and Jesus, too.”

“A Flower Communion and Jesus, too.”  Available now on YouTube   Today is the day we honor two elements of our Unitarian heritage–Flower Communion and Easter. Originally created by Czech Unitarian minister Norbert Capek, Flower Communion celebrates both nature and community. Recalling that Unitarians were originally Christian, we also look at Jesus this Easter Sunday … Continue reading “A Flower Communion and Jesus, too.”

A Three-In-One Morning

Three special observances coalesce within this week-end.  The Winter solstice on Saturday evening celebrates a pagan heritage.  Christians look with Joy on this third Sunday of Advent and Jews light the first Hanukkah candle at dusk Sunday evening. Our assembly today will celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah and Solstice in readings and music.

From Ignorance to Astonishment: Schoolings from Our Fathers

In our culture, it always feels like Father’s Day is an afterthought of Mother’s Day.  No tents in Kroger’s parking lot filled with tools, gadgets or ties; it isn’t the busiest day for restaurants.  Yet fathers comprise 50% of our existence.  This year a morning for dads, living or not. Mark Twain once wrote, “When … Continue reading From Ignorance to Astonishment: Schoolings from Our Fathers

In Memoriam

Our assembly this Sunday, In Memoriam, focuses on remembering the women and men who have given their lives in service to the Republic during the 83 wars or other conflicts involving the United States.  Over one and a half million people have died.   It is easy to forget events that have happened “over there” which … Continue reading In Memoriam

Mothers and Flowers

In 1872 Unitarian Julia Ward Howe began advocating the creation of a “Mother’s Day for Peace.”  Her original concept has completely died out. The history of Mother’s Day reminds us that it is more than a day for flowers and pancakes. It’s a time to highlight the aspects of motherhood that are not usually visible … Continue reading Mothers and Flowers