Archives: Services

One True Thing –

Finding Your One True Thing Download the Morning Program here The Morning Program We share a faith that claims to value questions over answers. Nevertheless, UUs are as vulnerable as everyone else to all the ways humans leap to judgment and even dogmatism. In a complicated, angry country lining up to take rigid sides, is … Continue reading One True Thing –

The Sin of Nicaea

The Sin of Nicaea The Rev. Dr. Mark Y.A. Davies, leading You can read the Morning Program at the bottom of this post, or you can download the Morning Program to your device. An exploration of problematic relationships between church and state, especially when the power of the state is used to enforce adherence to … Continue reading The Sin of Nicaea

The Great Depression: Pain and Relief

The Great Depression: Pain and Relief Dr. Glenn Melancon from Southeastern will be our guest speaker The Morning Program Of his discourse, our visiting speaking writes: The Great Depression caused an incredible amount of physical and psychological pain. Conservative economics believed the pain necessary for a return to normal.  Pain taught people the cost of … Continue reading The Great Depression: Pain and Relief

An Ending and A Beginning

THE MORNING PROGRAM  An Ending and A Beginning The new year calls us forward, filled with mystery.  As we turn toward that new year, we take a final glimpse of the past year, and reckon with all that it held for us.  We will consider what we might leave behind from the old year, and what we … Continue reading An Ending and A Beginning

Do Atheists Celebrate Christmas?

Dec 19 – Do Atheists Celebrate Christmas? A great debate occurs around Christmas.  Is it only for Christians?  What about the holidays that Christmas supersedes?  Join us to hear some of the answers to this question.

Celebrating the Only Unitarian Universalist Exclusive Holiday

The Morning Program appears on the “…read more” tab.  If the print is too small to read?  Download it here Chalica 2021 We UU’s may disagree about many issues, but one thing we do agree on is the Unitarian Universalist Seven Principles, as stated in Article II of the Bylaws and Rules of the Unitarian … Continue reading Celebrating the Only Unitarian Universalist Exclusive Holiday