Archives: Services

“The Walking Dead: Ways in Which the Dead Are Among the Living”

The Rev Dr Mark Y A Davies, leading An exploration of the ongoing relationship of memory, influence, and love that those of us who are living have with those who have died. The Morning Program:    Mark Davies is the Wimberly Professor of Social and Ecological Ethics, Director of the World House Institute for Social … Continue reading “The Walking Dead: Ways in Which the Dead Are Among the Living”

“Emotional Intelligence: Principles for Improving Relationships, Families, and Faith”

“Emotional Intelligence: Principles for Improving Relationships, Families, and Faith” The morning program appears here on Saturday afternoon/evening ABOUT THIS MORNING ASSEMBLY: Research from the past 30 years has shown that Emotional Intelligence may be more important than Rational Intelligence in fostering a healthy lives, stable relationships, and a the flourishing of the human spirit. This … Continue reading “Emotional Intelligence: Principles for Improving Relationships, Families, and Faith”

Look for the Helpers

THE MORNING PROGRAM Look for the Helpers The Rev Dr Mark Y.A. Davies, leading The morning program (appears here on Saturday) As we experience these daunting times, what wisdom might we gain from Mr. Roger’s mother’s advice that we should “look for the helpers.” How can we be the helpers in these scary times and … Continue reading Look for the Helpers

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly.  Immigration so far in the Biden Administration.

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly.  Immigration so far in the Biden Administration. Bill Holston, speaking The morning program (appears here on Saturday) It’s a mixed bag so far and even some of the progress has been limited by Federal Court Appointments.” writes Bill Holston.  On Sunday he brings the latest information about the … Continue reading The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly.  Immigration so far in the Biden Administration.