Archives: Services

“Revival of Relations, Revolution of Values”

“Revival of Relations, Revolution of Values” The Rev. Danielle Di Bona, preaching  (video message) Our sermon this morning was given at the Service of the Living Tradition during last month’s UU General Assembly. The Rev. Danielle Di Bona has served UUism for 30 years and is the 2019 recipient of the Award for Distinguished Service … Continue reading “Revival of Relations, Revolution of Values”

Liberating Strife: Independence Day 2020

Watch this morning assembly here The Morning Program is below. The little-known third verse of “America the Beautiful” contains these words: “Oh beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife who more than self their country loved and mercy more than life!” Emerging from the liberating strife of the American Revolution, our country has faced strife … Continue reading Liberating Strife: Independence Day 2020

I Can’t Breathe!

Watch this morning assembly here In this time of significant danger and real possibility, a moral fusion movement is necessary to revive and advance our most precious Constitutional and moral values. Join us to learn more about the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival’s efforts and the digital Mass Meeting Assembly on … Continue reading I Can’t Breathe!

Thirty-years of being an Open & Affirming Church

Watch this video HERE The United Church of Christ called their “Welcoming Congregation” process “Open & Affirming” congregations.  The Douglas, MI United Church of Christ has been an open and affirming congregation for thirty years.  On Sunday we will watch their minister’s inspiring message in celebration of Gay Pride month. Reverend Salvatore Sapienza is the pastor of … Continue reading Thirty-years of being an Open & Affirming Church

“The Erosion of Forbearance and Mutual Toleration”

Join us at 11:15 am on our YouTube channel (redriveruu) all one word WATCH NOW HERE: THE MORNING PROGRAM is below We live in perilous times. Between now and November We, The People, will become even more fractures and distrustful of one another.  Two leading scholars of democracy, Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt explain … Continue reading “The Erosion of Forbearance and Mutual Toleration”

“Contextual Ethics: What is the fitting to do?”

Join us at 11:15 am on our YouTube channel (redriveruu) all one word THE MORNING PROGRAM IS BELOW Sometimes thinking in terms of moral absolutes overlooks the complex and often conflicting choices, values, obligations, and principles that we face in the process of moral decision making. What are some effective ways to determine the most … Continue reading “Contextual Ethics: What is the fitting to do?”