Archives: Services

A New Plan for a New Year

On Sunday a look at a new, exciting focus.  The Pathway to Membership becomes clearer, easier to follow.  At least the Membership Team hopes so!  Marion Hill will speak about a new approach to church membership that the congregation has voted to begin using.  This Path to Membership, based on a workshop Hill heard at … Continue reading A New Plan for a New Year

The Still Point of the Turning World

Why meditate? In our driven, achievement-focused world, what are the benefits of learning to create stillness inside yourself? Elena Westbrook will introduce a few different approaches, including breathing techniques and Tonglen meditation, that can be a powerful part of your spiritual practice. Elena Westbrook returns to our pulpit this morning.  Elena is an active member … Continue reading The Still Point of the Turning World

A Ritual for the Season

The first Sunday of the new year is a time for reflection and introspection. It is a time of new beginnings and possibilities. To our ritual of letting go (flame), metaphoric cleansing (water), setting intentions (oil), and new beginnings (light), we are adding a way to reconnect to the Earth and growing things.  We will … Continue reading A Ritual for the Season

Sitting On The Cusp Of A Year

We conclude this worship year, as is our tradition, with a morning assembly featuring all of us, everyone who would like to share a reading, song, poem, or a story.  Being at the cusp concluding the first decade of the century and launching into the second one, what thought do you bring to this transition?  … Continue reading Sitting On The Cusp Of A Year

A Three-In-One Morning

Three special observances coalesce within this week-end.  The Winter solstice on Saturday evening celebrates a pagan heritage.  Christians look with Joy on this third Sunday of Advent and Jews light the first Hanukkah candle at dusk Sunday evening. Our assembly today will celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah and Solstice in readings and music.

Laughter in Dark Times

When life gets you down, whether from personal  or global tragedy, it is important to find your laughter. As Josh Billings says about laughter, “Genuine laughing is the vent of the soul, the nostrils of the heart, and it is just as necessary for health and happiness as spring water is for a trout.”  Come … Continue reading Laughter in Dark Times