Archives: Services

Stages of Faith or Spiritual Development

Download The Morning Program here  or read it below without downloading Stages of Faith or Spiritual Development The Rev. Walter Norris, leading In 1981, James Fowler, a Methodist Theologian at Emory University, developed the idea of a developmental process of human faith or spirituality.  We will consider the different stages that endure throughout a person’s … Continue reading Stages of Faith or Spiritual Development

Nine Eleven: The Noun

Download the morning program here or read it without downloading below. Nine Eleven: The Noun The Worship Team, leading It was a Tuesday when Nine Eleven became a noun. Since then, it has fallen on a Sunday only three times, in 2005, 2011 and this year. America began as an experiment and as these widely divided … Continue reading Nine Eleven: The Noun

“The Creative Tension of Justice Making”

Download The Morning Program here or read it without downloading below. Of his discourse, Mark writes: Martin Luther King said, “True peace is not nearly the absence of tension, it is the presence of justice.” Creating justice is not a passive enterprise. It requires action, and sometimes it requires direct action that presses creatively on … Continue reading “The Creative Tension of Justice Making”

Water Communion Sunday –

Download the Morning Program here or read it below without downloading. Communion Sunday – The Worship Team, leading In 1980, two Unitarian universalist women, Carolyn McDade and Lucille Shuck Longview, were asked to create a worship experience for the Women and Religion Continental – Convocation of Unitarian Universalist. As they shaped that ceremony McDade and … Continue reading Water Communion Sunday –