Archives: Services

“To Know the Place for the First Time.”

THE MORNING PROGRAM: To Know the Place for the First Time. Our First Sunday back in the Chapel at Church! The poet T.S. Eliot once famously wrote: “We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” … Continue reading “To Know the Place for the First Time.”

“Until Love Wins” – Live Stream from the 60th Annual UUA General Assembly

NOTE TIME CHANGE:  11:00 AM Live Streaming only at these two web locations: 1. The UUA web site:  and 2. This YouTube site: Live chat will be available during the live stream.  We will have no video on our church YouTube or Facebook this week. Sun Jun 27 – 11:00 am First Universalist Church … Continue reading “Until Love Wins” – Live Stream from the 60th Annual UUA General Assembly

Love Your Neighbor

Sneak Peek about Sunday’s Morning Assembly The Morning Program Of her remarks, Dr. Duelm writes:  “Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word “love” here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace- … Continue reading Love Your Neighbor

Why Go To Church

THE MORNING PROGRAM   Sneak Peek Video about Don’s Discourse: For many churchgoing has become just a habit.  We go because we always have.  But might there be a more significant reason for going to church?  It’s true we, UUs do not go to church to be “saved”, but might there still be an important … Continue reading Why Go To Church

The Gift of Questions

THE MORNING PROGRAM  download here    The Gift of Questions the Rev. Dr. Aija Duelm Just when you seem to yourself nothing but a flimsy web of questions, you are given the questions of others to hold Denise Levertov Many UUs say they discovered Unitarian Universalism as part of their quest for truth. Our UU … Continue reading The Gift of Questions

“Hallelujah Anyway”

Hallelujah Anyway Marion Moore Hill, speaking Tommi Homuth, worship associate Sneak Peek VIDEO If the morning program is hard to read, you can download it here The Morning Program:  Wisdom and self-deprecating humor meet in Anne Lamott’s writing, as she talks forthrightly about her life as a daughter, mother, and grandmother, as well as a recovering … Continue reading “Hallelujah Anyway”

Flower Communion Sunday

The morning program Flower Communion Sunday   A Sunday to celebrate one of the loveliest traditions from our Unitarian forbearers. Now in it’s 98 year, flower communion is an annual ritual that celebrates beauty, human uniqueness, diversity, and community.  The history of flower communion will be shared, its purpose explored by the worship team who will … Continue reading Flower Communion Sunday