Archives: Services

Poetry Sunday

Back again to share with us some of his poetry is Ron Wallace. He is an Oklahoma Native of Choctaw, Cherokee and Osage ancestry and is the author of seven volumes of poetry published by TJMF Publishing. He is a three-time finalist in the Oklahoma Book Awards. His work has been recently featured in “Oklahoma … Continue reading Poetry Sunday

A Beloved Community of Resistance and Resilience

Recently the chances have increased exponentially that the United States will go down in history as the worst global offender in abdicating its moral respon-sibility to preserve a livable planet. This greatest of all moral failures will be its most well-known contri-bution in the shortened history of human civiliza-tion, unless we do all in our … Continue reading A Beloved Community of Resistance and Resilience

“Deck Chairs, Lifeboats, Icebergs? Time for A Better Story”

Join us Sunday @ 11:15 on our YouTube Channel or our Facebook page Direct link to the morning assembly The meme machines are working full time to register every crisis we face as one of Titanic proportions—and us people are just helpless, hopeless fools, doomed to rearranging the deck chairs on a ship that’s destined to sink. But nobody actually … Continue reading “Deck Chairs, Lifeboats, Icebergs? Time for A Better Story”

A Ritual for the New Year

A Ritual for the New Year The Worship Team, Marla Loturco, leading Sneak Peek: A Ritual for the New Year – For five thousand years, or more, more than fifteen thousand generations of human beings have been invoking spiritual power. We will be touching that spiritual power by letting go, metaphoric cleansing, setting of intentions … Continue reading A Ritual for the New Year

Ecological Salvation – The Rev. Dr. Mark Y.A. Davies, leading Salvation is a concept shared by a number of different religious traditions and typically focuses on the salvation of individuals or portions of the human community from evil, travails, suffering, and even death itself. The context of the ecological devastation of our times calls for an … Continue reading