Archives: Services

And Crown Thy Good

Jerry Harris, Jim Holmes, L.D. Clark, and Bruce Cameron Armistice Day was first observed November 11th in 1919, on the anniversary of the armistice with Germany. The tradition continued informally. Then  President Coolidge called for national observations on Nov. 11 with appropriate ceremonies; F.D.R. signed it into law as a holiday; Eisenhower renamed it Veteran’s Day.  … Continue reading And Crown Thy Good

Becoming Great

What would it take for members of the human community to become great in relation to each other and the rest of life on our planet? What cultural, economic, social, and spiritual paths might help lead us to become one of the greatest generations for each other and the earth as a whole? The Rev. … Continue reading Becoming Great

Holding it Together While You Ride Out the Storm

Those storms are never in the forecast. They pop up and knock you off course in an instant. My storm began like a flash of lightening – a quick misstep off a curb – but it blew up into a full cyclone, pulling my whole life into its whirling spin.

Building Racial Unity: Conversations and Relationships

In 2016, our congregation realized we were unintentionally practicing Isolationism. We were a white congregation in a white suburb, living in a “bubble” but feeling genuinely troubled by the growing chasm between black and white people. We decided to reach out intentionally across the color line to meet each other, to talk, to create friendships, … Continue reading Building Racial Unity: Conversations and Relationships

Water Communion Sunday

Water is required for all living things to exist. Given this fact, it is an enigma why human race permits some to pollute, poison, steal or hoard this very essence of existence. This year’s water communion will focus on our collective treatment of water: one global, one national, and one local. Bring a small container … Continue reading Water Communion Sunday

Coexistence is Not Enough

The challenges of our time are too great for people of different faiths to simply get along. The urgency of now requires people of all faiths along with people of no particular faith to move beyond coexistence to work together in the human community for the transformation of the world towards peace, justice, and sustainability.

Applied Hope in a Warming World

Hurricanes, floods, fires … what kind of world will we be facing in 20 years? What will you need to know and do? And how do you find the hope and inspiration needed to keep moving forward when the earth is undergoing such massive, global change?