Archives: Services

The Global U/U Story

UNO Sunday On this United Nations Sunday, an exploration about an important global issue and be inspired to take action in the name of justice. That’s what the global U/U story is all about – Unitarians, Universalists, and Unitarian Universalists around the world engaging in liberal spiritual worship and doing their part to bend the … Continue reading The Global U/U Story

Bible: Truth or Fable?

There are three levels of the Bible. Level one is all lies, level two is half truth and level three is all truth? This talk will open your spiritual mind to reason and reasoning of the Bible. What level are your at? James was born in Fort Apache, Bronx, NY.  Raised Catholic until the age … Continue reading Bible: Truth or Fable?

World on Fire

A 16-year-old named Greta Thunberg just spent two weeks crossing the Atlantic in a sailboat to keep from contributing to CO2 emissions by flying to New York. In the meantime, the U.S. is lowering fuel standards and removing limits on methane emissions by oil and gas companies. The Amazon is burning and Brazil refuses help … Continue reading World on Fire